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Delusion 2.0

The Final Chapter

Jennifer Romen (Maastricht, 1996) is a young, ambitious choreographer who, with her company Oxygen, impresses with visual work full of meticulously detailed choreographies and visual illusions.

As an urban dance maker, she follows an unorthodox route to the theatre. She makes a splash in dance competitions, television programmes, in the commercial circuit and as a teacher. During her first own, full-length performance 'Delusion' she played both the stage and the hall and managed to get the audience out of their plush seats.

In 'DELUSION 2.0' Jennifer takes you into a next level interplay between dance and illusion, in a breathtaking, innovative form of theatre.

'DELUSION 2.0' picks up where Delusion ended. The character we followed on her journey from adolescence to adulthood, from insecure to powerful, comes face to face with her greatest opposite in part two. Is it an opponent she has to win over, or a part of herself she has to learn to accept and even embrace? The dualities interact with each other, sometimes in battle, sometimes in love.

In this performance, choreographer Jennifer Romen will once again use blacklight, shadow play and projections to show the audience elusive illusions. Through an exciting play between the dancers and the light and the unprecedentedly tight choreographies, you will be blown away even more this time. A stunning, moving and meticulously executed coming of age performance that will touch you.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Thu 10 Apr 20:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets

Thursday 10 April

From € 16,50 tot € 32,50
Old Luxor Theater -  Kruiskade 10, Centrum
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