Tyler and Sebastian portray the themes of migration, family and identity in a compelling, yet accessible way.
In De Gesuikerde Onderneming, Tyler and Sebastian Koudijzer delve into their Javanese-Surinamese roots. This performance combines spoken word, images and music to bring to life the search of two brothers for their family history. Against the backdrop of a changing Suriname, in a time full of upheavals, they share the story of their ancestors who once came to Suriname as Javanese contract workers. Their story raises questions about resilience, adaptation and letting go of a familiar world for a new future. The audience is invited to empathize with the struggle, the bond between brothers, and the choices that the generations before them have made. Tyler and Sebastian portray the themes of migration, family and identity in a compelling but accessible way.
Paul Haenen & Dammie van Geest - Optimisme Kun Je Leren (try-out) try-out
Afro Studio - Vocalsz MusicLab
Waste me
Inside Out
Doolhof in je hoofd - De Theaterstraat
Babyconcert 0+
Hart voor Palestina
Small things like these
Cloudy - JA!Toch
Streep Wiel Rol - Diede Daalman en Rebecca Wijnruit 1,5+
Koekie Boekie 0+
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