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Daniel Arends

If only I had never been so nice

Daniël Arends has moved all the shows from February to a later date. In order to create a little more time to make a new show. Progressive insight.

Of course he doesn't want to disappoint anyone, and everyone who has a ticket will get the chance to go to a new date. If you already bought a ticket, you will have received an email about this.

Daniel understands that he is testing everyone's patience with this, but promises to come up with a fantastic new show.

Not a cancellation, but a postponement.

'Another new show by Daniël Arends?

Gee, if that doesn't come at the expense of quality I'll eat my hat.

Well, maybe I should just go again...'

Director: Raoul Heertje

Daniël Arends plays 2 different shows on 1 night . You can order a ticket for 1 of those shows, but of course you can also order both.

All dates

Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Tue 27 May 22:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets
Wed 28 May 22:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets
Thu 29 May 22:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets
Tue 25 Nov 22:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets
Wed 26 Nov 22:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets

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