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Borrelnootjez EL7EBS (reprise) reprise

Dive into the absurd world of EL7EBS where laughing is a crime and characters play the leading role. A performance you don't want to miss.

For Arnold, Mish Mish, Fatah, Reza, Fou3ad and a whole stable of new characters, their existence is at stake. Because yes, the Netherlands is not what it used to be? You are not allowed to say anything about anything or anyone anymore. Do they dare to be themselves, or will they become victims of the new regime.


The BORRELNOOTJEZ drag you through a process of interrogation, courtroom torries and into prison. This time with even more characters, absurd situations, music, self-mockery and a good dose of slapstick, Khalid and Hamza give you a glimpse into their schizophrenic minds. Or are you not allowed to say that anymore?! Last season sold out, be there on time now.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Fri 4 Apr 20:00 Theater Zuidplein Buy tickets
Sat 5 Apr 20:00 Theater Zuidplein Buy tickets

Friday 4 April

From € 36,50
Theater Zuidplein -  Gooilandsingel 95, Charlois
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