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Arvo Pärts Johannes-Passion Alternative passion from the incomparable Vox Clamantis

The St. John Passion is one of Arvo Pärt's greatest works.

The sacredness of his sound, minimalist repetitions and silence form a mystical language created for a modern response to Bach's great passions.

In his St. John Passion (Passio Domini nostril Jesu Christi secundum Joannem) Pärt uses minimal means, musically and in terms of instrumentation, to great effect. He alternates thin harmony singing with choir, accompanied here and there by a few instruments. It's not easy listening, but when you surrender you'll find yourself becoming one with the strict rhythm and serene harmonies.

Arvo Pärt has built up an almost mythical status in his 88-year life. Even if you don't know his name, chances are you've heard his music. No one can make despair, stillness and introspection sound like he does.

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Wed 16 Apr 20:15 de Doelen Buy tickets

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