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Amsterdam fringe festival x maas

Amsterdam Fringe Festival is coming to Rotterdam! In this new collaboration - Amsterdam Fringe Festival x Maas - both programmers have selected their own favorites. The shows complement each other in theme, style and energy, making for a strong double bill.

This double bill focuses on the performances That What Is Untameable by Melisa Diktas and Göbek Aşkı (Belly Love) by Çiğdem Polat. Both performances - coincidentally created by artists with Turkish roots - do not arise from form, but from feeling. They share an urgency that forms the basis of their work, and offer a powerful and personal approach to theatre and dance.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sat 17 May 20:15 Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium

Saturday 17 May

From € 10,00 tot € 17,50
Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium -  Sint-Jobsweg 3, Delfshaven
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