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After Summer School

How could we change the city by looking, listening, writing, archiving, collaborating, activating, researching, designing and walking differently? During the After Summer School, the Nieuwe Academie, a project of the Nieuwe Instituut, presents its Curriculum for change: a Rotterdam teaching program in which the most diverse knowledge producers share their methods.

Public lessons are given throughout the city for a week. Together, the more than twenty different guest lecturers emphasize that Rotterdam is a hub for all kinds of underexposed and underused knowledge that deserve to be learned, recognized and included in the development of the city.

During the After Summer School, the Nieuwe Academie collaborates with the Afrikaanderwijk Cooperative, Changerism, Concrete Blossom, House of the Future / Transition-Scapes, Independent School for the City, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Niels Spaans, Nieuwe Instituut, OMI | Stories about Architecture, Santiago del Hierro, Shay Kreuger, Stadspark West, Stichting Wijkcollectie, Stine Jensen / EsPhil, Ursula Biemann, Varia, Verhalenhuis Belvédère, Vers Beton, WaterSchool / Stichting het Park and Zoöp.

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30 Sept - 4 Oct
Nieuwe Instituut

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From 30 September to 4 October

From € 10,00
Nieuwe Instituut -  Museumpark 25, Centrum
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