A powerful group exhibition that focuses on female artists from Rotterdam and draws attention to their visibility in the arts field.
Despite growing awareness, female artists in the Netherlands remain less visible than their male colleagues. This exhibition brings them together in a powerful collective statement, in which self-portraits offer a direct and personal view of their identity and work. Through an open call, artists who identify as women were given the opportunity to present their work. Organized by about A woman and made possible by CBK, a catalogue of the works in this exhibition will also be published.
Nationaal Park Rotterdam - werken aan een havenstad vol natuur
Gowtu Afro Cult - Interactief luisterritueel hoe klinkt Nederlandse of Rotterdamse Afro?
Connect The Funk
GirlPower On Stage
Urban Gospel Night
Open DJ night
Monday Night Jam
Quiz Carrousel
Poëet Club
Art Walks live
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