Spring naar hoofdinhoud

Woord zoekt muur | Riebeekstraat

Wat gebeurt er als spoken-wordartiesten worden gekoppeld aan muurschilderingen? Lees hier het gedicht dat ontstond bij de muurschildering in de Riebeekstraat. 

Tekst: Chery Salinas
Muurschildering: Naomi King, Loes van Reijm en Lotje Vos

They call me a dreamer
and I'd say they’re right
Ever since I was a child I’ve been creating entire worlds in my mind
where time is nothing but a construct
and concrete nothing but a ground to grow from
I thought it wasn’t worth a dime
Because of how success seems to be measured
And how art is somehow seen as a lesser profession
by a society that deems happiness a blessing
But damn, how sad is that?
Anyway, back to my happy place 
I chose to follow the white rabbit
You know, the one who’s always late
I stopped shrinking myself to accommodate 
and even asked a Caterpillar which path to take
Or maybe it wasn’t a Caterpillar so much as a mirror
Maybe it was all in my head
Maybe I should have listened to the Cheshire cat instead
when it told me we are all mad here
But maybe madness ain’t that bad
Or maybe it just takes a mad mind to be an artist
To measure the value of your madness and sell it
Or maybe, maybe mad minds are just minds that are magic



Nieuwsgierig naar meer? Lees hier de andere gedichten of ontdek meer over de achtergrond van dit project. 

Foto: Garryl Tjon


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