Spring naar hoofdinhoud

Tom Lawrinson

Buried Alive (And Loving It).

Everything is awful but that’s okay, argues Tom in his ridiculously entertaining show about family and growing up in a Spanish subterranean cave. A show for siblings who shared a rubbish childhood, shirtless ex-pats, and comedy fans alike.

"He has an eye for the mundanely absurd which is truly unique, with an execution that is joyfully daft." - Rolling Stone (Top 12 shows of the Edinburgh Fringe).

Alle data

Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Do 29 mei 19:30 - 20:30 Comedy Club Haug Koop tickets

Donderdag 29 mei

19:30 - 20:30
Vanaf € 17,50
Comedy Club Haug -  Boompjeskade 11, Centrum
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