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System Revival presents Soldering Workshop & LIVE

in collaboration with Bastl Instruments (CZ) and Worm (NL)

System Revival presents Soldering Workshop & LIVE event in collaboration with Bastl Instruments (CZ) and Worm (NL)

Kastle 2 FX Wizard DIY Workshop

Take part in Bastl's first DIY workshop of the Kastle 2 FX Wizard!!! https://bastl-instruments.com/instruments/kastle2-fx-wizard

Learn to solder your own unit as well as how to use it in a fun afternoon at WORM.
All skill levels welcome! Perfect for first-time DIYers and experts alike.
Everything you need to build your own Kastle 2 will be provided.
Bring your own synth so you can jam and explore with your freshly constructed Kastle 2 FX WIZARD after the workshop.

Bastl Instruments is a synth (trouble) maker based in Brno (CZ). Bastl have been helping makers develop communities around electronic sound and music since 2013. Bastl is a family-run operation with strong roots in the synth and electronic music community. https://bastl-instruments.com/
Workshop: soldering Bastl Instruments: The Kastle 2 FX WIZARD
The Kastle 2 FX WIZARD is a compact, patchable stereo multi-effects unit that empowers you to explore the limits of sound processing through modulation and modularity. Use simple yet refined stereo effects, or go nuts with modulation and immerse in powerful glitch and sound design heaven. Instead of navigating thru preset effects, you can craft your own unique effects with dynamic behavior using modulation. The FX WIZARD embraces happy accidents, sparking excitement with unexpected and unheard sonic transformations.

€120,- gives you entry to the workshop + the multi-effects unit that you will build yourself.
A very special workshop with limited places. In close collaboration with System Revival & WORM

Alle data

Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Vr 21 feb 15:00 - 02:00 Worm Koop tickets

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