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Sourmouth Hour

Sour Mouth Hour is zestig minuten vol grappen, puns, indrukken en een beetje interactie—alles in het Engels, behalve de geluiden. Verwacht lachen, klappen en een Diederik die nét iets te veel aandacht nodig heeft!

What is Sour Mouth Hour about? It is about sixty minutes of old and new jokes specifically for you and nobody else. Diederik guarantees that everybody who comes will laugh out loud at least once and probably quite a few times.

The show is completely in English apart from the bits that are noises. There will be oneliners, puns, impressions, poetry, semi-worked-out-hot-takes and a song at the end so you have to clap.

There will be a little bit of audience interaction, but never enough to take the spotlight off of Diederik, who seems to really need the attention. Bring along your friends or a date but probably not a first date unless you are both really cool.

Alle data

Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Do 3 apr 19:00 - 20:00 Comedy Club Haug Koop tickets

Donderdag 3 april

19:00 - 20:00
Vanaf € 15,00
Comedy Club Haug -  Boompjeskade 11, Centrum
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