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Iván Nogueira hosts: Duo Lusitano - Harmonic Cello

An engaging look into Baroque and Classical music.

Duo Lusitano brings the music of the Baroque and Classical eras to life with a fresh, vibrant, and distinctive approach. By using the cello as a harmonic instrument to perform “basso continuo” (semi-improvised, polyphonic accompaniment), they achieve a rare yet historically authentic artistic outcome. Throughout the performance, they offer insights and practical explanations, making technical aspects accessible to all audiences. With this unique combination of theoretical and practical expertise, Pedro Massarrão and Jorge Municio create a truly unforgettable musical experience.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Vr 24 jan 20:00 - 21:15 Oud-Katholieke Paradijskerk Koop tickets

Vrijdag 24 januari

20:00 - 21:15
Vanaf € 12,00 tot € 15,00
Oud-Katholieke Paradijskerk -  Nieuwe Binnenweg 25, Centrum
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