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The Leap theatrical solo performance by Nora Fischer

For a while she was no longer able to do that, due to a complex cramp that held her larynx in such a hold that even Happy Birthday to her best friends could no longer come out. How could something like this happen?

With that question, Nora digs her way around, through the suffocating pressure of the world's largest stages, to the inner pressure that she had to pull out of her system like a vicious sting to get her throat muscles to relax again. She exposes how her body sabotaged further participation in a world of superlatives, top performances and glorious successes. How she never quite fit into the mold that the music industry, consciously or not, has prepared for great talents. How she slowly but surely lost the pleasure with which singing once began, and how that pleasure made way for a dark inner world full of piercing eyes and sharp judgments. In the deafening absence of her instrument, Nora desperately searches for an explanation of how something born from so much pleasure can become a source of so much severity.

Even though this is a performance without live music; Nora consciously chose not to go into the theater, but to tell her story in the concert halls where she has sung so often. To also be able to share with the audience how sad it feels not to be able to fill these halls with melodies. And because it feels like the safest place for her to share her extremely personal story with her audience. The Leap is an invitation to assist Nora in an intimate revelation of what we all quietly know: nothing is what it seems.

All dates

Wed 22 May

Wednesday 22 May

From € 10,00 tot € 21,00
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